Friday, September 6, 2013

Busy Boxes For Busy Toddlers

We started a new chapter in our household this week: school! My oldest started what am I supposed to do with my eager-to-copy-everything-big-sister-does two-year-old?? 

I perused Pinterest and found an awesome concept: busy boxes!

I set out to make some boxes and rules that would work for our family on this stage of life.

First I hit the 99¢ store and got as much as I could find to make the list below. 

The containers came in packages of 2 and 3 so I only spent $5 on the containers. They are flimsy, but one of our rules is that the box itself doesn't get played with. 

The preschool teacher in me came out and I went a little crazy - 99.9¢ sure adds up quick! 

This is my little homeschooling cabinet!

Our rules:
1. Busy boxes and items inside stay on table at all times. Box is not for playing with.

2. One busy box per school session - usually one a day. This is to keep them from blowing through all the boxes in one day.

3. Mom picks it out. Special occasions will I let them choose.

Keep them from getting bored - there are enough ideas below that you could easily take over a month to go through. Over time, keep adding to your collection.  Switch it up and switch them out. Don't let them look through your storage cabinet so it is a big surprise every time!

Older kids can enjoy these too. Give them little challenges (like sorting, making patterns, counting etc) to keep their minds and hands busy.

***Busy Box Ideas***

* Pipe cleaners and pony beads

* Seasonal boxes - fill with something that goes with the season or holiday. Fake leaves for fall for example.

* Collections - like rocks, seashells, or buttons

* Medicine dropper and water

* Feathers


* Counting cubes

* Rubber bands and peg board

* Plastic hammer and plastic nails on a foam board

* Magnets (paper clips in a clear container of rice)

* Pom poms on printed colored circles (matching)

* Felt shape matching on cards

* Water beads

* Ice cube tray sorting small objects

* Rice with hidden objects (in a sealed container if you fear a mess).

* Salt shaker with toothpicks

* Stamps and stamp pads

* Scissors and paper/ribbon stash

* Yard sale dots (on toilet paper tubes, plain paper, paper plate etc)

* Colander with pipe cleaners pushed through 

* Pom poms pushed into little holes (make holes on an oatmeal container)

* Noodle lacing (with yarn)

What do you have in your busy boxes?