Saturday, August 24, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Twins Are Four Months!

Amellia on the left ~ Elliana on the right

Elliana on the left ~ Amellia on the right

Celebrating that the twins are four months old today! We are finally at a point where things are "normal" and we no longer feel like we are in survival mode or a zombie zone. It was like we were only capable of performing the most basic tasks in an attempt to get out alive until now. That fog seems to be behind leaving us with little comprehension or remembrance of all the events that took place!

A major reason why I feel like life is now manageable is that the twins are sleeping so well through the night and they no longer are nocturnal creatures! I wasn't doing so well on <4 hours of sleep. They regularly go to bed at 9 now. Elliana sleeps almost every night from 9pm to about 9 or 10am in her crib! Amellia usually wakes up for a midnight snack somewhere between 3am and 5:30am and ends up in the pack n play next to our bed until sissy wakes up. 

The twins have discovered each other recently as well. I cannot describe how cute it is to watch their little hands search for each other while they are nursing. Once their hands connect they play with their  fingers and hands the whole time they eat. We often find them holding hands while they are asleep too.

Along with their hand playing, they talk to each other. It is usually Elliana who starts up with Amellia chirping in a bit later. Addy and Evie LOVE making them laugh and coo and are so much more entertained now that the twins are responsive to them.

We solved Amellia's reflux problems with a few simple adjustments. For a while we fed her less but more often and kept her upright 100% of the time. We now let her have more time in her tummy and she can lay on her back for diaper changes if she hasn't just eaten. She still coughs  but there is no more choking and turning blue from the reflux. She still also spits up more than any of her sisters, but it is never a whole meal anymore. God is so good! Those weeks were  scary, but our God prevailed and helped us through!

Millie and Ellie are growing fast but are still catching up to the weights the older two were at this age. Of course, Addy was a chunker and Evie was born big and seems to be growing at twice the rate Addy did. 

They are in some 6 months clothes - and only have 4 matching outfits in that size!! Mommy has to get shopping! They also have moved up to size two in diapers.

Elliana likes to be ahead in the weight gaining department - even if it just an ounce or two. She weighs 13lbs 2oz and Amellia is weighing in at an even 13 lbs.  More than double their birth weights!

They are both cooing, chirping, laughing, and grabbing onto toys. They are full of smiles when they wake up - especially if they have taken a long nap!

Rolling from front to back has been mastered - although they always look so surprised when they flop over. They can both scoot but it is usually done out of anger and frustration for being left on their tummies for too long.

I can tell Millie and Ellie apart and others can too when they take the time!  I do tend to rely on remembering what color I put on them for the day - especially across the room or when I cannot see their faces.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Chicken Spaghetti {Partial Crock Pot Recipe}

Chicken Spaghetti {Partial Crock Pot Recipe}

3lbs chicken (boneless/skinless thighs worked tonight)
1/2 bottle Itallian Dressing/marinade
2 tbs butter
1 small onion
1 clove minced garlic
1 can cream of chicken
8 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 lb spaghetti

This dish needs 4-6 hours in the crock pot plus an additional 30 before done.

Cook the chicken (4-6 hours):
Cook the chicken and dressing on low in the crockpot for 4-6 hours. Check about half way through to see if you need to add a little more of the marinade. Chicken should easily shred with a fork when ready.

After chicken has cooked:
In a large saucepan, saute the onion and garlic in the butter.

Next, add the soup, cream cheese, and broth and stir until all lumps are gone.

Check the crock pot - you don't want more than about 1/2-1 cup of liquid. If you have too much, just drain a little out.

Add the cream mixture to the chicken, mix well, then cook on low for about another 30 minutes.

Stir in cooked spaghetti noodles and you are ready to eat!