Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Command Center

How many command center examples have I pinned on Pinterest? I have no idea. However, none of them had everything I needed. So, I set out to make my own that fits all my needs for my household.

First, I  sat down and made some lists! I love lists so much that I make lists of lists I need to make! So, this was a fun process for me. I made sure to take my time and review everything until it was just right before printing out. However, the way I made my center I can just change them out if I need to make an alteration.

Next, I went to the Dollar Tree and purchased my frames. The frames at any dollar store are cheep quality - but they did not need to be heavy duty for me. By putting the printouts behind the glass, I am able to dry erase right over it! Making it perfect for checking things off and alterations. 

Here is a breakdown of my lists:
Daily Tasks - this list has a spot for each task I plan to do a day. I prefer to clean one or two things a day (like the bathrooms on Tuesday, dusting on Wednesday, etc). I also have a spot for a "10 Minute Tidy 3x a Day." That is when I round up the kids, set a 10 minute timer, and run around the house picking things up. Ideally, we do this before naps, before dinner, then again before bed.

Weekly Tasks - these are jobs that only need to be done once a month. I have weeks 1-4 with two things for each week. A couple examples are to clean out the pantry, wash out the trash cans, and sort through the kid's toys.

Once Every Six Months - this is a list of things that need done approximately every six months. I have a spot next to each task to jot down the date so I remember the last time I did it. A could examples are to dust the ceiling fans and wipe down the doors in the house.

Notes and grocery list - this is just a blank area for me to jot down things I need to remember or to add to my grocery list before I go shopping. Like when I use the last of the paprika in the middle of cooking!

Menu - I do a two week layout so I can plan and not have duplicate meals.

Daily Schedule - This is a general breakdown of the day. My older girls like to know what we are going to do next and it just helps set the tone for our day. This is not meant to be followed minute by minute, but just to be a guideline.

Extra activities for the day - doctor's appointments, phone call to make, or bill to pay. Pretty much just a place to jot down things I need to remember to do.

Odd Jobs - this is an area that I write down projects or honey-do's.

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